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New FLSA Salary Threshold Blocked by Court
As employees and employers alike in South Florida should know, the US Department of Labor (DOL) published a final rule in April 2024 that would raise the salary threshold for exempt employees. There are three elements, or parts of a test, that must be met for an employee to be considered “exempt,” which then… Read More »

Employment Discrimination and Immigration: What to Know
Florida has a broad population of immigrants, including people who have recently come to this country as well as residents born in the United States to immigrant parents or with immigrant grandparents. Yet anti-immigrant sentiments are rampant in Florida, as the ACLU underscores, despite the fact that nearly 20 percent of the state’s population… Read More »

Who Can File a Workplace Harassment Claim?
Unlawful harassment in South Florida workplaces can create untenable working situations for the party being targeted, as well as for other employees in the workplace who must bear witness to the harassment and who must perform job duties in a working environment with low morale due to the pervasive harassment. When unlawful harassment does… Read More »

Can I Make a Secret Recording at My Workplace to Prove Employment Discrimination?
Experiencing any kind of employment discrimination — whether you are applying for a job or currently in a position, or experiencing any form of retaliation — can be devastating. Discrimination can impact your confidence, can affect your ability to work and to earn a living, and can do damage to your resume or CV…. Read More »

Steps to Take for FMLA Leave in Florida
Under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you may be entitled to up to 12 workweeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for a variety of family or medical reasons. Although FMLA leave is unpaid, it importantly allows employees to take time away from their jobs without having to worry that their positions will… Read More »

Can I Sue My Former Employer for Firing Me?
If you were fired relatively recently by an employer, you may be wondering if you could be eligible to sue your employer for firing you. This issue can be relatively complicated, especially in an at-will state like Florida. Whether or not you are likely to have a claim against your employer will depend on… Read More »

Am I Owed Minimum Wage If I Am a Tipped Worker?
Many types of workers in Florida are tipped employees, meaning that they are “engaged in an occupation in which they customarily and regularly receive more than $30 a month in tips,” according to the US Department of Labor. Employers in Palm Beach Gardens and throughout South Florida employ tipped workers because it allows them… Read More »

When is Discrimination Unlawful in Employment Situations?
If you have encountered any form of discrimination when applying for a job in South Florida, or while working for an employer in the Palm Beach Gardens area, it is critical to determine whether you have experienced unlawful discrimination. There is a common assumption that any form of discrimination is unlawful. Yet in fact,… Read More »

What Are Professional Exemptions?
If your Palm Beach Gardens or other South Florida employer has told you that you are ineligible for overtime pay, you have likely been told that you are an “exempt” employee, and therefore you are not entitled to receive overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), a federal law that provides a… Read More »

What Are Computer Employee Exemptions?
The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employees to be paid at least the minimum wage and to receive overtime pay at the rate of 1.5 times the regular rate of pay for hours worked in addition to a 40-hour workweek. However, only “non-exempt” employees have these protections under the FLSA. The FLSA… Read More »