4 Accommodations Owed to Disabled Employees in Florida

Florida employers have made great strides in terms of promoting inclusivity in the workplace, but employees with disabilities are still adversely affected by on-the-job conditions. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires employers to provide a reasonable accommodation that enables a disabled worker to perform job-related tasks. Still, some workers are forced to quit their position for lack of modifications or adjustments. Many others are fired because their employers are unwilling to provide a workplace environment that complies with anti-discrimination laws.
When employers violate ADA by not providing reasonable accommodation, they can be held liable for the harm caused to the employee with a disability. Unfortunately, many workers are unfamiliar with their rights. You can learn about your legal remedies by consulting with a Palm Beach County disability discrimination attorney who will explain the laws. Plus, it is helpful to review some of the basic reasonable accommodations that are owed to you as an employee.
- Interactive Process: Under ADA, when a worker requests a reasonable accommodation due to a disability, the employer is required to launch an interactive process. The point is to work with the employee to determine the best modification or adjustment to workplace conditions. Through this process, the employer and employee collaborate to develop a solution that promotes the interests of all parties.
- Physical Access: An employee may have difficulties getting around the workplace due to equipment or other factors that come with their disabling medical condition. The employer must make efforts to ensure the worker can move freely and comfortably, such as:
- Installing ramps for ease in maneuvering curbs and stairs;
- Allowing employees with disabilities to park as close as possible to the workplace;
- Modifying the employee’s workspace;
- Widening doorways and corridors; and,
- Many other factors that enhance physical accessibility.
Note that an employer is not required to implement accommodations that would be extremely burdensome or costly.
- Temporary Accommodations: When the employee’s medical condition is short-lived, the employer’s duties include making arrangements to accommodate for the duration. The issue of temporary accommodations often arises in connection with pregnant employees who are unable to perform strenuous tasks. The company can meet the worker’s needs by allowing flexible hours if the person has morning sickness or giving more breaks for nursing.
- Technology Support: For some employees, reasonable accommodation may be a matter of investing in adaptive technologies. Workers with visual impairments may need screen readers, while other employees require voice recognition solutions that take over typing tasks. However, this requirement may vary if the technology would be costly, as mentioned above.
Discuss Reasonable Accommodations with a Florida Disability Discrimination Lawyer
If you were denied any of these reasonable accommodations that are required by law, you may have a claim for disability discrimination against your employer. For more information, please contact Sconzo Law Office to set up a free case assessment. You can reach our offices in Palm Beach Gardens by calling 561-279-6114 or visiting us online. After reviewing your circumstances, a disability discrimination attorney will advise you on options.